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What is the Government Solar Rebate?


Examining Your Home's Potential for a Government Solar Rebate

You may be aware of the government solar rebate if you're thinking about adding a solar system to your house. However, what is the rebate's amount, how is it determined, and are you qualified? Let's dissect it.

Solar panels on home

Comprehending the Solar Rebate

Often, the phrase "solar rebate" describes the financial benefits offered by Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) under the Renewable Energy Target (RET) programme of the Australian government. The goal of this programme is to lower the initial cost of installing solar systems in order to encourage renewable energy.

How Do They Determine the Solar Rebate?

Your incentive is determined by how many STCs you are able to earn, which is determined by a number of factors:

Your Zone: The quantity of solar radiation your panels receive depends on your geographical location, which also affects how many STCs you may earn. Australia is rated by the Clean Energy Regulator with a factor of 1.382, and New South Wales is located in Zone 3 of the four zones.

System Size: Until the end of 2030, one STC will be awarded for every megawatt-hour of solar power generated yearly. The amount of power produced is affected by various factors, including system size, panel orientation and angle, shade, and weather. Based on the size of the system and the installation zone, the Clean Energy Regulator calculates the average yearly production.

Installation Date (Deeming Period): The deeming period forecasts the system's future electricity output. The quantity of STCs awarded declines as the year 2030 draws to a close. For example, the deeming period would be seven years if your system was installed on May 15, 2024.

STC Value: The current STC payment is $38.50, however this amount is subject to change in response to changes in the solar market.

Why Take Action Right Now?

By 2030, the STC programme is expected to come to an end, and STC values will be declining annually. By moving sooner, you may make the most of the financial advantages before they get any smaller.

Advantages for the Environment

Not only does installing solar panels help the environment, but it also saves you money. By lowering greenhouse gas emissions and our dependency on fossil fuels, solar energy helps combat climate change.

Where to Begin

Determine Your Requirements: Choose the right solar system type and size for your house. This evaluation can be assisted by a solar installer during the quote process.

Locate a Trustworthy Installer: Find qualified and knowledgeable solar installers in your neighbourhood.

Recognise Your STC Eligibility: Your installer can estimate how many STCs you should expect and factor that into the total price.

Request an Incentive: Usually, as part of their service, your installation will take care of the STC paperwork.

You're in a better position to decide whether to install solar panels now that you know how the solar rebate operates and its advantages. You can drastically lower your costs by utilising the government's Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). You can save a lot of money on installation. Take advantage of this chance to optimise your gains and help create a more environmentally friendly future rather than waiting for the incentives to lose value.


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